Eclipse Shortcuts

Use shortcuts list (Ctrl+Shift+L)

Ctrl-Shift-T Goto to class (use capitals)
Ctrl-Shift-R Goto to file
Ctrl-O Symbol list
Ctrl-E Recently edited files
F4 Show type hierarchy
Ctrl+H Open call hierarchy
Ctrl+Q Last edit location
Ctrl+Shift+P Go to matching bracket
Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Go to next / prev member
Ctrl+E Quick switch editor
Ctrl+F6 Next editor
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Prev editor
Ctrl+M Maximize editor
F12 Activate editor
Ctrl+F7 Next view
Ctrl+K Find next after Ctrl+F
Ctrl+Shift+K Find prev after Ctrl+F
Ctrl+J Incremental search
Ctrl+Shift+J Incremental search
Ctrl+G Search declaration in workspace
Ctrl+Alt+G Find text in workspace
Ctrl+Shift+G References
Alt-Shift-Up Escalating selection
Alt-Up/Down Move lines
Ctrl+Y Redo
F2 Open tooltip description
Alt+/ Word completion
Ctrl+I Correct indentation
Ctrl++ Fold block
Ctrl+- Unfold block
Ctrl+Shift+Y To lower case
Ctrl+Shift+X To upper case
Ctrl+Backspace Delete prev word
Ctrl+Delete Delete next word
Ctrl+Shift+Delete Delete to end of line
Ctrl+D Delete line
Ctrl+Alt+J Join lines
Shift+Enter Insert line below current line
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Insert line above current line
Alt-Shift-L Introduce variable
Alt+Shift+R Rename
Alt+C Extract constant
Alt+Shift+M Extract function

other shortcuts

eclipse neon

Add –launcher.GTK_version 2 in eclipse.ini:

--launcher.GTK_version 2

Create script eclipse_go:

export SWT_GTK3=0
/home/denis/asutp/tools/eclipse/eclipse &
dev/eclipse/shortcuts.txt · Последние изменения: 2016/08/06 18:14 — denis
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