JavaDoc CheatSheet

{@code A<B>C} → A<B>C - code font
{@literal A<B>C} → A<B>C - text font

@throws / @exception IOException description

{@inheritDoc} - copies documentation from the «nearest» inheritable class or implementable interface

{@link package.class#member label}
{@linkplain package.class#member label}

@param string the string to be converted
@param type the type to convert the string to
@param <T> the type of the element
@param <V> the value of the element

@return description

{@value package.class#field}

@see {@link …} / text
@see <a href=«URL#value»>label</a>
@see package.class#member label

@see  #field
@see  #method(Type, Type,...)
@see  #method(Type argname, Type argname,...)
@see  #constructor(Type, Type,...)
@see  #constructor(Type argname, Type argname,...)
@see  Class#field
@see  Class#method(Type, Type,...)
@see  Class#method(Type argname, Type argname,...)
@see  Class#constructor(Type, Type,...)
@see  Class#constructor(Type argname, Type argname,...)
@see  Class.NestedClass
@see  Class
@see  package.Class#field
@see  package.Class#method(Type, Type,...)
@see  package.Class#method(Type argname, Type argname,...)
@see  package.Class#constructor(Type, Type,...)
@see  package.Class#constructor(Type argname, Type argname,...)
@see  package.Class.NestedClass
@see  package.Class
@see  package

package.html package description, stored in the package source folder

dev/java/tips/javadoc.txt · Последние изменения: 2012/09/24 14:11 — jamis7005
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