Команды консоли

Актуальный перечень команд консоли можно получить в самой консоли командой h. Вывод зависит от состава подключенных плагинов.

Пример вывода командой h:

General format:
  <comand>     common command
  p:<command>  plugin command, where 'p' is a plugin name
  m:<command>  module command, where 'm' is a module name

Common commands:
  ansi off|on                   turns off/on ansi colors
  check [mod filter]            checks internal errors of the modules
  gc                            starts garbage collector
  h                             shows this help
  i [mod]                       module info
  l [mod|filter]                list tags filtered with regex
  lb                            list the previous page
  lf                            list the next page
  ll                            list the last page again
  load plg mod                  loads new module
  quit                          stop and exit
  reload [mod1 mod2 ...]        reloads modules. Can be used while running
  remove mod                    unloads existing module
  st mod tag val                sets a new value to a tag
  start                         start tasks
  state load|save [mod1 ...]    loads or saves state of modules to file
  stop                          stop tasks
  stx mod tag val               sets a new value to a group of tags, where mod and tag are regex expressions
  susp [off|on] mod             switches suspend mode for a module
  tl [[mod] tagname]            list tags filtered with regex by module/tagname
  version                       shows version of the core

  m:logerror cnt                sets logerror counter value

  m:debugInfoWrite on|off       turns on/off info on writing tags
  m:hidden on|off               turns on/off hidden tags
  m:infosetflag on|off          turns on/off showing SETFLAG command firing

  p:check [mod ...]             checks and shows errors
  p:test                        for developers

  m:disable all|port            disables for all ports or for one port if specified
  m:enable all|port             enables for all ports or for one port if specified

  m:load filename               load tag values from a file

  p:log portnum on|off          turns on/off logging
doc/jroboplc/consolecmd.txt · Последние изменения: 2020/12/06 19:21 — denis
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